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Showing posts from May, 2017

We Learn The Hard Way

As we grow up challenges also pile up. We come across roughest patches, well not all of us but most of us. We encounter a lot of different life events but at the end the results are fruitful or maybe not. Some of the life events we experience lead us to destinations we never imagined ourselves in. I don't believe that those people who are in jails, those who live in the streets and all those who do all the dirty businesses and do not live by the law woke up one morning and decided that the life they're living now is the kind of life they wanted to live and dreamt of.  Life circumstances lead to such life. They have given up on life and their dreams. They have lost their self-value and they have already convinced themselves that they were born to live like that. I believe everyone and I mean everyone is born for a purpose. You may not see it now but chances are someday, can be any day (tomorrow, next year or even in twenty years to come) you will see and find your purpose.